
Supercharge your skills with ChatGPT and more

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What to expect

Join us in this engaging workshop where you’ll learn how to harness the potential of Large Language Models (LLMs) to enhance your collaboration with AI.

Discover the fundamental concept of prompts (bonus: get templates), and practice essential workflows to punch up content, generate ideas, and communicate effectively.

What you will learn:

  • How to start adapting to LLMs as robot teammates right now

  • Prompts: the fundamental unit of LLMs, and prompt templates

  • There are no “stupid” questions, only stupid answers (LLMs are just guessing, very accurately)

​Workflow practice:

  • Punch up stale, empty or old copy
  • Sharpen new ideas with images and generated help text
  • Clear concise summaries of long messages and threads
  • Rewrite, reprompt, restate without extra time
Tyler Sellhorn
Teaching-oriented technologist
About the expert

Once, Tyler was a technology-oriented teacher; now, he’s a teaching-oriented technologist. An advocate for remote-first workplaces serving as the host of “The Remote Show” podcast from We Work Remotely.

Previously, the Head of Remote at Polygon Technology, where he was helping to build and showcase the decentralized workplace creating the platform for decentralized applications.

This event is a series of events for the Running Remote Community

This workshop is part of a series “Actionable, now” – a highly interactive deep-dive workshops into practical tips, concrete tools, frameworks, methods, and strategies to solve common challenges remote companies face for the Running Remote Community.

Running Remote Community is a membership for remote-first leaders building & scaling their companies while getting the support they need, when they need it.

Join the PRO Community to get a free access to this and following workshops (and other features) or join this specific workshop for USD39

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